Installing froxlor on Trisquel 11


froxlor is a server management/web hosting tool released under the GPLv2. It will allow you to manage (sub)domains, MySQL databases, email accounts and so on. Since there is an official Ubuntu repository, you can easily install it on your Trisquel server as well. This guide will show you how.


While froxlor will install all necessary services like Apache, BIND, and so on, it will not pull wget as a dependency, even though it is needed for setting up Let’s Encrypt certificate deployment on your server. In my case it wasn’t part of the base system and I had to install it manually (whether this is necessary might depend on the Trisquel ISO you chose for installation):

sudo apt install wget

Add froxlor to repositories

Since you’re not installing froxlor on Ubuntu, but Trisquel (which is based on Ubuntu), you can’t entirely follow the official guide. But it’s a very simple adaption, so no worries 😉. One of the necessary commands includes lsb_release, which of course will return something different if run on Trisquel and not Ubuntu. If the line is not changed, the froxlor package will complain that there isn’t a fitting package for your version of Ubuntu available. However, since Trisquel 11 is based on Ubuntu 22.04, we can manually add the correct CodeName to the file (which would be jammy).

So, with that in mind, here are our commands (with the third one being different from the official guide):

apt -y install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates curl gnupg
curl -sSLo /usr/share/keyrings/
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] jammy main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/froxlor.list'

If you’re not on Trisquel 11, you simply have to get the correct CodeName of the Ubuntu version your Trisquel installation is based on, and edit the last line accordingly. Check the supported distributions versions in the froxlor docs for reference.

Update repositories

Now we can update our repositories:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Install froxlor

And froxlor can finally be installed:

sudo apt install froxlor

In my case, the froxlor installer informed me that one php extension that is recommended, but not required, is missing:

Not required but recommended
The following php extensions could not be found but are recommended

If desired, install the package before continuing the installation:

sudo apt install php-gnupg

Continue with installation according official docs

Now you can continue with the installation according to the official documentation.